
[FR] Welcome School Year of 2012

[This post probably should have been the second post on this Blog…. However, the timing didn’t work out so well, so now this is Post № 07. Had this been done as scheduled, I’m sure it would have answered some of the questions I’ve received.]

Two years ago I was introduced to the world of Blogging. Had I not been in Mr. Sutherland's English 2(P) course, I would most likely be void of the Blogging world today. Now, after a one year hiatus from Alameda High, Sutherland has returned and I am lucky enough to be enrolled in his English 4(P) course.

For a new  year, I have decided to clear the then-Rare Finds blog to make room for this upcoming year's assignments/posts. I think I appropriately matched the blog title "Prof. Christopher's Lecture Notes" with the URL. You may find former posts from Rare Finds at Uncle's Rare Finds <http://uncleclam.blogspot.com> (Jackie Chan Adventures reference) This blog (I assume) will remain untouched. It is meant to be like an old archive – a preservation of the historical posts of 2009 and 2010. I want to start this year with a clean slate, literally, by starting with a clean blog.

I hope that my writing has improved since my first post in 2009 September and will continue to develop as this year progresses. As I’ve written many times before: writing is a form of communicating, and communication is invaluable; without communication, sharing ideas and thoughts would be virtually impossible.

I guess some of the stuff about the clean slate isn’t quite as true since six posts have already been published. However, I hope the analogy still has the same effect.

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